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My development logbook

Little Erlang Exercise 2

Problem Definition: Euler Problem 2

In order to solve this problem in python, I have used the yield keyword to implements a generator to provide a sequence of Fibonacci’s numbers. I think I can do a better work in using list comprehension in the main routine to filter and add up the even numbers, but the current version is basically good enough.


Euler 2

Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms.
By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be:

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, …

Find the sum of all the even-valued terms in the sequence which
do not exceed one million.

def gen_fib_seq():
a = 1
b = 2
yield a
yield b
while 1:
c = a + b
a, b = b, c
yield c
except StopIteration:

if name == “main”:
b = 0
onemillion = 1000000
for x in gen_fib_seq():
if x % 2 == 0:
if b + x < onemillion:
b = b + x
print b

The erlang turns out to be even simpler than I thought. First of all, because every object or operation can be abstracted as a process, I do not need special keyword ‘yield’ to create a special object – generator. Furthermore the guard clause of function acc remove the need to put in any ‘if’ or ‘break’ to do, for example, the even number testing as in the python version.


start() –> spawn(fun() –> fib(0, 1) end).

fib(N, M) –>
{Pid, next} –>
Pid ! {self(), N + M},
fib(M, N+ M)

get_next_fib(Pid) –>
Pid ! {self(), next},
{, N} –>
%% io:format(“~p~n”, [N])

%% accumulator
acc(N, Pid, Acc) when (N rem 2) =:= 1 –>
N1 = get_next_fib(Pid),
acc(N1, Pid, Acc);
acc(N, Pid, Acc) when N + Acc < 1000000 –>
N1 = get_next_fib(Pid),
acc(N1, Pid, Acc + N);
, _, Acc) –>

%%% Program main()
main() –>
Pid = start(),
Acc = acc(1, Pid, 0),